Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Me

Wow does time fly by,
another year came and went.

Looking back at the goals I made back last January, I find that I did pretty well.

My Resolutions for this year are more in depth. Things I have been struggling for years with, I hope to get over this year or get help for them. 

Here they are:

Health- I have lost the baby weight and more, but I need to improve on more than just that. I need to, of course eat better, exercise (actually put fourth the effort), take care of me emotionally (caring, but not caring about what people think), take the time to give myself "Me" days (getting my toes done, dying my hair, getting my hair cut, or shopping).

Social- I know that I'm not a social butterfly, but I need to be. I need to keep up with my friends, if it's hanging out or just talking on the phone. 

Love- I love my husband and we need to have more date nights. We also need to have more family date nights too. Going out just the three of us to either an event or dinner. It doesn't have to cost anything, just our time together. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Music is my life

Every song has a meaning,

Either to make you laugh, cry, or remind you of someone special.

I want to share with you all the songs that I love because they remind me of those I care about.

Eric Clapton

The part that always gets to me.

I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you

 This song of course reminds me of my Husband.

It's always been our song, but on November 6, 2010 it was offical.
We danced to this song as Mr. and Mrs.

Love you Jim!

Monday, April 16, 2012

30 Day Letter Challenge

30 Day Letter Challenge

Letter 8- letter to your favorite online friend

Dear Online Friend.... ????

I really don't talk to people online anymore, I'm not 13. Uh yeah, so this is awkward my online friend.... So I'll just say hey, how's it goin'? and have a great night.

Peace be with you,
Online friend

30 Day Letter Challenge Letter 7

30 Day Letter Challenge

Letter 7- letter to my ex-boyfriends

Dear Ex-Boyfriend/Husband,

There's not too many of you on the list of exes, so I guess that's a good thing. Funny thing is that you know that I'm talking about you and someone else. HA oh well. I really don't have much to say to you though, I still consider you all my friends. We don't talk like we use to or see each other that often (if at all) but I still see us as friends. People ask if you regret anything from your past and most people would say, oh I wish I never met so and so. Well I'm not like that, as you surely know. There's a reason that someone comes into your life; to help you, to make you stronger, to make you a better person, and to learn from your mistakes. Our relationships as a boyfriend/girlfriend-Husband/wife went sour, but that doesn't always mean that our friendship will or did too. And you thought this letter would be awful, see I am a pretty nice person. I wish you all good luck with your love life and hope you have found the one.

Your Ex

30 Day Letter Challenge - Letter 6

30 Day Letter Challenge

Letter 6- Letter to a Stranger

Dear Stranger,

I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say to a stranger..... I'm not really great a small talk, I actually try to avoid it at  all cost. I by no means think that I'm better than you, I just don't know what to say. I thinks it's kind of odd that I have to write a letter to you, being though we've never met. But I hope your day is going fine, that your dreams come true, and that you are happy being you. Not sure what else to say but good morning and good evening, and if I don't see you goodnight.

The Stranger next door

30 Day Letter Challenge - Letter 5

30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear Dreams,

Sometimes you haunt me, make me feel like I'm falling, confuse me, make me feel like my dreams are real and reality is fake, you make me happy, and sometimes wishing for more. But I'm assuming that I'm more talking to my daydreams then my dreams when I lay my head down at night. My daydreams are more like this; I have a successful bakery with a 50s pinup theme. Where I can take Maybelline with me and have her be my little "helper". We would have a house fit just for us. No one in my life will have to feel any physical pain anymore, we would be happy, smiley, and laughing. One of these days my daydreams will come true, but then what will I daydream about if they do?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

30 Day Letter Challenge- Letter 4

30 Day Letter Challenge

Letter 4- Letter to Siblings

Dear Siblings,

You teased me, pushed me, scratched me, called me names, and even said I was adopted and tried to convince me that I was a boy. All of this was your way of showing me your love. We fought on a daily basis, but if anyone ever messed with us we stood together. I can honestly say we still do the same now (stand together). We might drive each other crazy, but I know I wouldn't want any other siblings than you all. No one can break the bond that we have and I hope that our little ones grow up to be the same. I don't say it enough, but you know it's true I really do love you.

Your little sister