Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So Sorry!!

So I've realized that I've not been on top of this blog thing. Which brings me to what my goal are for the year 2011! 

  1. Eat healthy: be able to say no to seconds and lose around 10lbs.
  2. Stay active: on my days off take Phoebe on walks and when I'm at work take time to walk around the building and run up and down the stairs. (I have not gotten any weird stares yet!)
  3. Social life: I want to see my friends more! I know people are busy with their families, work, or have financial problems. But a movie night, dinner, or drinks  at someones house, isn't too costly. 
  4. Business: I want to have my own business within the next 2 years and because of that I'm taking classes at JoAnns for cake decorating classes. AND doing lots of research on yummy recipes. ;-)
  5. Organized: I'm more than organized at work, but when it comes to my home I'm a mess. I'm hoping to get this under control this year and keep it that way.
  6. Blogging: I would like to keep up with my blogs; not just to kill time, but to get my voice out there! 
  7. Hobbies: I'm wanting to start up a new hobby of painting and knitting. I find these two hobbies to be very relaxing.  

I think it's very important for everyone to have goals. Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish in the year 2011.

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